How Old Is God?

how old is god

When we ponder the concept of age, we typically think in human terms. Birthdays, years, and centuries are markers we use to understand time. But what happens when we ask, “How old is God?” This question invites us to think beyond our everyday understanding of time, especially when we consider religious perspectives like Islam, which teaches that God is eternal, beyond the bounds of human time.

In this article, we’ll explore the idea of God’s age from an Islamic perspective and how this understanding shapes the way Muslims view the world, time, and existence itself.

The Concept of God in Islam

To begin understanding the question, “How old is God?” it’s essential to grasp the nature of God in Islam. In the Islamic faith, God is referred to as Allah, which simply means “The God” in Arabic. Allah is described in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, as eternal, all-powerful, and without beginning or end.

One of the most well-known chapters of the Quran, Surah Al-Ikhlas, emphasizes the oneness and timeless nature of God:

“Say, ‘He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent.’ “ (Quran 112:1-4)

This verse establishes that God, in Islam, does not conform to the human understanding of age. He was not born, nor does He age or die. Instead, He is eternal—meaning God exists outside of time and space, concepts that are purely human in nature.

The Eternity of God

The question, “How old is God?” assumes that God is subject to the same rules of time that govern human beings. But in Islam, this is not the case. Allah is described as existing before the creation of time itself. He is the Creator of time and therefore cannot be bound by it.

In Surah Al-Hadid (57:3), God is referred to as: “He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing.”

This verse highlights the idea that God has no beginning or end. He is eternal, existing from the very first moment of creation and beyond, into infinity. When we ask, “How old is God?” from this perspective, the answer is that God has no age because He is outside of time entirely.

Time as a Creation

Another key point in understanding this question from an Islamic viewpoint is that time itself is a creation of God. According to Islamic teachings, God created everything in the universe, including time. This idea is crucial because it means that God is not bound by the same linear progression of past, present, and future that we experience.

In fact, many Islamic scholars explain that time as we know it is a construct meant for humans and other created beings. Allah exists outside of this construct, and thus asking “how old” God is becomes an irrelevant question in the context of Islamic theology.

Consider this analogy: if you write a story, you are not subject to the time within the story. You are outside of it, watching the events unfold, but not bound by the timeline of the characters. In a similar but far greater way, God is the Creator of time and exists independently of it.

The Limitations of Human Understanding

When trying to answer the question, “How old is God?” we must acknowledge the limitations of our own understanding. Human beings are bound by time, and we use time to make sense of the world. Birthdays, anniversaries, and calendars help us structure our lives.

However, the nature of God in Islam transcends these concepts. God’s existence is not something that can be measured or confined to a specific number of years. The very act of trying to place an age on God is a reflection of our limited perspective as created beings.

In Islam, this idea is frequently highlighted in the context of Tawhid, the concept of the oneness and uniqueness of God. God is unlike anything else. This is a fundamental belief in Islam, and it means that human limitations—like time and space—cannot apply to Him.

The Names of God and Eternity

Islamic tradition also speaks of the 99 Names of Allah, each of which reflects different aspects of His nature. Several of these names specifically relate to God’s timelessness and eternal existence.

  • Al-Awwal (The First): This name signifies that God existed before everything else. There was nothing before Him, and He is the source of all creation.
  • Al-Akhir (The Last): This name signifies that God will continue to exist after everything else has perished. Nothing will outlast Him.
  • Al-Qayyum (The Sustainer): This name emphasizes that God is self-sustaining and does not depend on anything else for His existence. Everything else, however, relies on God.

Each of these names reinforces the Islamic understanding that God’s existence is infinite and beyond time. So when we ask, “How old is God?” these names remind us that God does not age or change in the way that created beings do.

The Islamic Perspective on Time and Eternity

The Islamic view of God’s eternal nature also impacts the way Muslims perceive life and the afterlife. Since God is eternal and exists beyond time, believers understand that this life is temporary, but the hereafter—paradise or hell—is also eternal.

For Muslims, the belief in God’s timelessness provides comfort and perspective. Life on Earth, with all its trials and challenges, is fleeting. However, God’s eternal presence offers the promise of something greater beyond this temporal existence. This concept is an essential part of Islamic eschatology, the study of what happens after death.

The Quran frequently refers to God’s eternal nature and how human beings should prepare for their own eternal afterlife. The focus is not on how old God is but on understanding that God’s existence transcends the material world.

The Role of Faith

At its core, the question “How old is God?” challenges us to think about the role of faith. In Islam, faith, or Iman, plays a crucial role in accepting the mysteries of God’s nature. While we, as humans, might not be able to fully comprehend concepts like eternity, believers are encouraged to trust in God’s wisdom and knowledge.

Islam teaches that God’s nature is beyond human comprehension, and certain aspects of His existence are meant to remain mysterious to us. Accepting this is part of what it means to have faith in Islam. The Quran reminds believers that:

“And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about the soul. Say, ‘The soul is of the affair of my Lord. And mankind has not been given of knowledge except a little.’ “ (Quran 17:85)

This verse highlights that there are certain things humans simply cannot know or understand fully. God’s age, or rather, His existence outside of time, is one of those mysteries that requires faith.


So, how old is God? From an Islamic perspective, the question itself reflects a misunderstanding of God’s nature. God, or Allah, is eternal, without beginning or end. He is the Creator of time and exists outside of its limitations. While human beings are bound by time and age, God is not. His existence transcends our understanding of years, moments, and the passage of time.

In the end, trying to calculate God’s age is an exercise in futility. What matters more, according to Islam, is understanding God’s eternal presence in our lives and the importance of living in accordance with His guidance. Through faith, Muslims believe in God’s timelessness, trusting that His existence is beyond the constraints of human comprehension.

Here are 10 FAQs related to the article “How Old Is God?”:

1. How old is God according to Islam?

In Islam, God (Allah) is eternal and has no age. He exists outside of time, meaning He has no beginning or end.

2. Why can’t we assign an age to God?

God is beyond the concept of time, which He created. Time applies to humans and creation, but not to God, making it impossible to assign an age to Him.

3. What does the Quran say about God’s eternal nature?

The Quran emphasizes that God is eternal and unchanging. Verses like Surah Al-Ikhlas and Surah Al-Hadid describe Him as the first and the last, meaning He existed before time and will exist after everything else.

4. Is there any point in time when God was not present?

No, according to Islamic belief, God has always existed and will always exist. He is not bound by time or space.

5. Why does Islam emphasize that God is eternal?

Islam emphasizes God’s eternal nature to highlight His omnipotence and uniqueness. Unlike humans, who are bound by time and eventually perish, God is infinite, emphasizing His supremacy and divine authority.

6. What are some of God’s names in Islam that reflect His eternal nature?

Names like Al-Awwal (The First), Al-Akhir (The Last), and Al-Qayyum (The Sustainer) reflect God’s eternal and self-sustaining nature, emphasizing His existence beyond time.

7. How does the belief in God’s timelessness affect a Muslim’s worldview?

The belief in God’s timelessness helps Muslims understand the temporary nature of life on Earth and the eternal nature of the afterlife. It encourages them to focus on spiritual matters and live in accordance with God’s will.

8. If God is outside of time, does He perceive time differently than humans?

Yes, according to Islamic teachings, God is not limited by time as humans are. He perceives all of time—past, present, and future—simultaneously and fully, without the restrictions of linear time.

9. What is the role of faith in understanding God’s eternal nature?

Islam teaches that some aspects of God, such as His eternal nature, are beyond human comprehension. Faith helps Muslims accept these mysteries and trust in God’s infinite wisdom and existence.

10. How does God’s eternal existence relate to the Islamic concept of the afterlife?

God’s eternal existence assures Muslims of an eternal afterlife. Life on Earth is temporary, but the afterlife, whether in paradise or hell, is eternal. God’s timelessness reinforces the importance of spiritual preparation for eternity.